Saturday, July 12, 2008

Harmonic Critical Mass

HARMONIC CONVERGENCE AUGUST 17, 1987 What was it? The period in history known as Harmonic Convergence was defined by Jose Arguelles as: “the point at which the counter-spin of history finally comes to a momentary halt, and the still imperceptible spin of post-history commences.” It was the fulfillment of the prophecy of Quetzalcoatl, known as the Thirteen Heavens and Nine Hells. The prophecy stated that following the ninth hell, humanity would know and experience an unprecedented New Age of Peace. The Hell cycle ended on August 16, 1987; the Harmonic Convergence began on August 17. Thus began the projected twenty-five year culmination of the 5,125 year Great Cycle of History, as well as the 26,000-year cycle of evolution, both slated to end in 2012. Time of The Harmonic Convergence was an announcement of the forthcoming end of time as we know it and a preparation to move from third-dimensional reality of space into fourth-dimensional reality of time. Contrary to popular belief, it is time rather than gravity that keeps everything in the universe in order. Time is the mathematics of the universal laws of nature, the unifying force that holds everything together. The Mayans knew this, basing the Mayan calendar on the universal mathematics of the fourth dimension. The frequency of time is the 13:20 ratio on which the Mayan calendar is based. Humanity is now in the process of changing the old 12:60 (twelve months in a year, 60 minutes in an hour) timing frequency to the timing of natural law, thus taking us out of time as we know it and into fourth dimensional awareness. When we have accomplished this transformation, we will enter a new path of spiritual and mental evolution in tune with the cycles of the universe. Some call this “Heaven on Earth; Energy And The Magnetic Field."

It is still the time of the Harmonic Convergence. The Harrowing of Hell represents the last cycle of respite for humanity when humanity must make the choice between a new age and all-out destruction... when it will have the last opportunity to make the decision of rejecting the old Gregorian time and calendar, and replacing it altogether with the instrument of perfect harmony, the Thirteen Moon/28-Day calendar. Only such a harmonic organizing principle, universally accepted, can assure a time of harmony and the fulfillment of the Harmonic Convergence...

For the new age, so longed for, is actually only realizable as a new time. A new time can only come about by the rejection of the instrument that holds in place the hallucination of the old time, replacing it instead with an instrument of such perfect harmony, that it has no history, but is truly post-historical.

In the Telektonon Prophecy of Pascal Votan, it is declared, when the Lunar Moon has overflowed its banks, the planetary leadership, known during that time frame as G-7 and the Vatican, will be exposed. The stage was thus set for the next revelation of the Prophecy. So it was on the 20th day of the Lunar Moon ("Blue Self-existing Monkey," Galactic Signature of Karl Marx), that the "Tower of Babel," the World Trade Center, was struck a fatal blow, while the Pentagon, magical structure of the priests of the Dark Lords of Time, built in Hell's Bottom, Arlington,Virginia, during the ninth hell cycle, was mortally penetrated. It was this collective turn taken by the planetary leadership, that engendered the apocalypse we are now witnessing. In this turn, the Harmonic Convergence of 1987 was forgotten, deleted as it were from the official public texts of contemporary history.

We have another oppurtunity to tune into the galactic pulse arising from another scheduled Harmonic Convergence in 2010, when the plane of the sun will align with the plane of the Milky Way and create a magnetic pulse through the galaxy, effecting earth again as an atmospheric shift:

Google: Second Harmonic Convergence/Oneness May 27/28 2010 "A crucial point of preparation for the attainment of this supramental cosmic consciousness will be the Second Harmonic Convergence/Oneness Celebration of the Gregorian dates May 27/28 2010. This is when, for the first time, standing on the balance that the Galactic Underworld has brought,we will begin to sense the supramental consciousness that the Universal Underworld will bring. For all those seeking to become part of the new species of human beings endowed with an unlimited consciousness, this is a time to absorb the new energies of universality. These dates are placed in relation to the Universal Underworld in the same way as the original Harmonic Convergence, August 16-17, 1987 might be seen to have been a preparation for the Galactic Underworld. Tony Shearer, who originally proposed the Harmonic Convergence in his book "Quetzalcoatl Lord of the Dawn," based its dates on the true Mayan Calendar. Unfortunately, this fact was later obscured, and thus an important aspect of that event was lost and still needs to be retrieved. May 27/28 2010 are the dates for Phoenix to rise from the ashes and for an enlightened world to arise from chaos. A sort of resurrection to the New Jerusalem where life is lived totally in the present moment, with no limits and no separation. God is good. There is a logic to the evolution of the divine encoded by the Mayan calendar. Maybe, in fact, God, life and consciousness are all the same."
© Carl Johan Calleman, 2004
Carl Johan Calleman has a Ph.D. in Physical Biology from the University of Stockholm and is a noted toxicologist. He is also one of the world’s foremost interpreters of the Mayan calendar and was invited as one of the main speakers at the conference about the Mayan calendar organized by the Indigenous Council of the Americas in Merida, 1998. He has written the books The Mayan Calendar (2001) and The Mayan calendar and the Transformation of Consciousness (Bear and Co, 2004). He lives in Sweden and gives courses internationally on the Mayan calendar. Visit his web page at: